This site is a tribute to Joseph Oliver, who was born in Nottingham on May 14, 1979. He is much loved and will always be remembered.
Joseph's family originally created this Lasting Tribute Fund in memory of Joseph who died of liver related illness when he was just 24 years old. In April 2018 Joseph's cousin, Liam ran the London Marathon to further continue the fundraising and awareness raising we set this site up to achieve in Joseph's name. In addition, a fundraising football match has become an annual occurrence and will hopefully continue to raise money and awareness for the British Liver Trust.
Please read on to find out more...
In September 2017 Liam and Siobhan ran the Great North Run to raise money and awareness for this cause. This event came 10 years after Liam and Brendan did exactly the same thing. Sunday 14th May 2017 would have seen Liam and Joseph share their 38th birthday - hence the launch of this page at this time.
There is a common misconception that liver diseases are alcohol related; this is NOT the case the majority of the time and certainly wasn't for Joseph. It is important that we change these viewpoints and improve people's knowledge, understanding and willingness to support this charity in order to further fund their research, work, the support they provide and most importantly to change and save lives.
Joseph's mother, Elaine, explains a little more about Joseph and his story....
"Joseph first became unwell when he was 16 and beginning his A Level course. As time went on he had less energy and found school work difficult to manage. However he resolved to continue with his life, achieved the grades he needed to go to Imperial College, London and started his new life there. After a few weeks it became obvious he would not be able to continue his studies, so he returned home to Nottingham where his problem was eventually diagnosed as Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis.
We knew there was no cure, but research into appropriate drugs together with the support of the British Liver Trust and the care he received during his often lengthy stays in Queens Medical Centre enabled him to study with the Open University and the University of Nottingham where he was supported even in hospital by his tutors. He was determined (as are his cousins who are raising money for the Trust) and he managed to travel to see the Tour de France and to visit friends in the Czech Republic.
The results of research into liver disease at that time meant that he lived until he was 24, leading a different but fulfilled life."
Please help us to support the charity’s work with a donation using the 'Donate' button. The more people that know about the British Liver Trust, the greater their impact, so please spread the word by sharing this Tribute page with friends and family and your wider networks.
Thank you in advance for your support, it really does mean a lot to us and all of our family.
Throughout our GNR fundraising, Siobhan shared her thoughts and experiences through the medium of a blog which can be viewed via the link below.
Thinking about you today and every day x
Thinking of you x
Always remembered today and always x Liam and Jo x
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